TMPL_134_Xmnu.txt Version number -- don’t change this: 2-byte integer (hex) isDynamic is:: 1-byte integer (hex) forceNewGroup is:: 1-byte integer (hex) useCallback is:: 1-byte integer (hex) controlKey is:: 1-byte integer (hex) optionKey is:: 1-byte integer (hex) shiftKey is:: 1-byte integer (hex) cmdKey is:: 1-byte integer (hex) unused:: 1-byte integer (hex) Requiered Modifiers: 2-byte integer (hex) TMPL_133_CST#.txt Num C Strings: list (2-byte one-based item count) C String: cstring TMPL_132_W3PF.txt DTD Version: 1-byte integer (decimal) NewLine format: 1-byte integer (decimal) (bit field) emptyLineCreatePara: boolean unused: boolean unused: boolean unused: boolean unused: boolean unused: boolean unused: boolean unused: boolean vRefNum: 2-byte integer (hex) dirID: 4-byte integer (hex) fname: pstring (1-byte length; 64 bytes reserved) vRefNum: 2-byte integer (hex) dirID: 4-byte integer (hex) fname: pstring (1-byte length; 64 bytes reserved) TMPL_131_CONF.txt (bit field) needWNE: boolean needColorQD: boolean needGestalt: boolean needAppleEvents: boolean needAliasMgr: boolean needEditionMgr: boolean needHelpMgr: boolean needScriptMgr: boolean (bit field) needFPU: boolean unused: boolean unused: boolean unused: boolean unused: boolean unused: boolean unused: boolean unused: boolean unused: 2-byte integer (decimal) unused: 2-byte integer (decimal) Script No: 2-byte integer (decimal) TMPL_130_HTEL.txt Tag name: pstring (1-byte length) Type: pstring (1-byte length) (bit field) End tag: boolean End tag optional: boolean allows CR: boolean create by menu: boolean Parse optional: boolean Empty element: boolean Option shortcut: boolean Control shortcut: boolean Shortcut: 1-byte integer (char) Number of attributes: list (2-byte one-based item count) Attribute type: pstring (1-byte length) Attribute name: pstring (1-byte length) Number of enums: list (2-byte one-based item count) enum: pstring (1-byte length) Initial enum: pstring (1-byte length) (bit field) reserved7: boolean reserved6: boolean reserved5: boolean reserved4: boolean reserved3: boolean reserved2: boolean reserved1: boolean required: boolean Number of parents: list (2-byte one-based item count) Parent: pstring (1-byte length) Number of successors: list (2-byte one-based item count) Successor: pstring (1-byte length) Sons to generate: list (2-byte one-based item count) Generate: pstring (1-byte length) TMPL_129_HTCV.txt Number of Conversions (have to be 256): list (2-byte one-based item count) replace string: pstring (1-byte length) Unicode: 1-byte integer (hex) TMPL_128_HTST.txt font name:: pstring (1-byte length) font size:: 2-byte integer (decimal) font style:: pstring (1-byte length) red:: 2-byte integer (hex) green:: 2-byte integer (hex) blue:: 2-byte integer (hex) space before:: 1-byte integer (decimal) space after:: 1-byte integer (decimal) indent:: 1-byte integer (decimal) first line indent:: 1-byte integer (decimal) (bit field) new line:: boolean use font:: boolean use size:: boolean reset style:: boolean use color: boolean use space before:: boolean use space after:: boolean reset indent:: boolean